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Legacy Business Intelligence => COGNOS PowerPlay => Topic started by: Blaisman67 on 07 Nov 2016 09:25:54 AM

Title: Having to sign in for each report that is run
Post by: Blaisman67 on 07 Nov 2016 09:25:54 AM
I'm not sure if this is the place where this topic/question should be, but here goes.

We are using Cognos 7.5.  I have a user that uses both Impromptu and Powerplay.  He used to be able to open one or the other, enter his credentials once then be able to open the other without having to re-enter his credentials.  He was able to to sign-on once before we had to make some Active Directory changes.

Within his Active Directory account properties his logon name was not his entire last name (eg, JSmit instead of JSmith).  We changed the logon name to follow our company standard of first initial of first name and entire last name.  (eg. JSmith).  All is good.

He is able to signon to his computer with his new AD logon name.  Not a problem.  When he tries to open Impromptu he is prompted for his credentials. He enters them.  All good.  At some point he is prompted for his credentials again.  He does so and is in Impromptu.  Furthermore, when he opens Powerplay he once again has to enter his credentials.  This never happened before.  There used to be some sort of shared default user between the two applications.  He used to sign into one of the apps (only once if it happened to be Impromptu) and when he opened up the other app he was never again prompted for his credentials. I have two users that this is happening to.  He and another.  Does anyone know what might be causing this?

NEW**  Now I'm finding out that he has to enter his credentials EACH time he runs a report in PowerPlay.

I am in the IT department, but admittingly really don't know much about Cognos.  If anyone has any questions, please ask away.  I'll do my best to answer them.

Thanks for any and all help!