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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 06:22:35 AM

Title: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 06:22:35 AM
As far as I understand, if I want to have 'All' in filter and values aggregated for 'All', I need to make union in queries. Like an approach described in this video
Or is there any other approach?
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 06:30:18 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 06:22:35 AM
As far as I understand, if I want to have 'All' in filter and values aggregated for 'All', I need to make union in queries. Like an approach described in this video
Or is there any other approach?


You have a couple of options. If you are filtering an object (eg a visualization), simply unsetting the active report variable will result in nothing being filtered on, so you will see values for 'All'. You can unset a variable in a number of ways, eg using a button.

If you are using a dimensional package for your report, you can create a set of members to use as your filter values in the control, and include the "All" member from the hierarchy as one of the included members in the set.

If you are not filtering, but instead selecting a data deck, you can enable the default card of the data deck and include an unfiltered report container on this. Simply unsetting the variable will cause this to appear.


Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 06:43:06 AM
You have a couple of options. If you are filtering an object (eg a visualization), simply unsetting the active report variable will result in nothing being filtered on, so you will see values for 'All'. You can unset a variable in a number of ways, eg using a button.

When I use this option I don't see the aggregated results. Ex., All brands - 1000, I see Brand 1 - 500, Brand 2 - 300, Brand 3 - 200. Yes, I use relational model.
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 07:27:56 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 06:43:06 AM
When I use this option I don't see the aggregated results. Ex., All brands - 1000, I see Brand 1 - 500, Brand 2 - 300, Brand 3 - 200. Yes, I use relational model.

In a visualization? Are you displaying the item you are filtering on? Why?

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 07:40:14 AM
I want the following:
filter selection : All brands
Chart is changed by the filter and should show All brands - 1000. This can be reached by using union for query.
But when I use 'No value List Item' in the filter, I see Brand 1 - 500, Brand 2 - 300, Brand 3 - 200.

So my question is there any option to "All brands - 1000" instead of using union?
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 08:39:19 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 07:40:14 AM
I want the following:
filter selection : All brands
Chart is changed by the filter and should show All brands - 1000. This can be reached by using union for query.
But when I use 'No value List Item' in the filter, I see Brand 1 - 500, Brand 2 - 300, Brand 3 - 200.

So my question is there any option to "All brands - 1000" instead of using union?

Is this a chart or a visualization?

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 10:35:24 AM
I use list and charts in one report and visualizations and list in another with the same requirement of All in filter.
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 10:44:19 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 10:35:24 AM
I use list and charts in one report and visualizations and list in another with the same requirement of All in filter.

Which report are we talking about here? Can you explain?

Charts cannot be filtered by controls in active reports, as there is no client-side charting engine to re-render the charts within the MHT. Instead, you include the charts in decks or data decks (the latter with a master-detail relationship to the chart), and your active report controls "select" the deck or data deck.

Visualizations can be filtered by controls in active reports, as the RAVE visualization engine gets included in the rendered MHT. Your active report controls "filter" the visualization.

Can you explain which approach you are using in your report?

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 10:46:42 AM
I do the same approach as you describe.
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 10:55:11 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 10:46:42 AM
I do the same approach as you describe.

I described two approaches - one for charts and one for visualizations. Which are we talking about here? Can you tell us exactly what you are using, how it's set up and what you are getting vs what you want to see?

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 11:04:25 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 10:35:24 AM
I use list and charts in one report and visualizations and list in another with the same requirement of All in filter.
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 11:11:04 AM
Quote from: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 10:55:11 AM
Can you tell us exactly what you are using, how it's set up and what you are getting vs what you want to see?
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 11:21:48 AM
In one active report: list + charts inside data decks.
Second report: list + visualization + visualization inside list.

My question was how to implemetn feature with 'All' in filter, so that I can see agregated values for 'All' in all report elemants.

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 02 Nov 2016 11:36:46 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 02 Nov 2016 11:21:48 AM
In one active report: list + charts inside data decks.
Second report: list + visualization + visualization inside list.

My question was how to implemetn feature with 'All' in filter, so that I can see agregated values for 'All' in all report elemants.


In your first report, enable the default card of your data deck and add a version of the list/chart to this card which shows the view of data you wish to see for "All". When you unset the active report variable that drives the data deck, you will see the default card.

In your second report, unset the active report variable that filters your visualization, and you should see unfiltered results. This assumes you are not showing the filtered values directly in the visualization. We have to assume here because you don't seem to want to give us any details on how you have set up your visualization. For the list, move it to a data deck and use the same technique as in the first report.

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 03 Nov 2016 02:37:34 AM
Af far as I can see, when I use approach with default data card I need to create duplicated chart with query with no granularity by brand. Correct?
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 03 Nov 2016 03:07:03 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 03 Nov 2016 02:37:34 AM
Af far as I can see, when I use approach with default data card I need to create duplicated chart with query with no granularity by brand. Correct?

Yes - correct. The chart/list on the default card should be for all brands.

Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 03 Nov 2016 05:37:28 AM
So there is a question, whar is worse to duplicate chart and quesry for that or to use union in queries and one chart? :)
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: MFGF on 03 Nov 2016 06:16:26 AM
Quote from: Olga1993 on 03 Nov 2016 05:37:28 AM
So there is a question, whar is worse to duplicate chart and quesry for that or to use union in queries and one chart? :)

What do you mean by "worse"? Both will result in an extra query being run as the MHT is generated...
Title: Re: Active report 'All' in filter
Post by: Olga1993 on 04 Nov 2016 03:12:58 AM
I mean what you would choose :)
Thank you for answering my questions!