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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: billylodz on 12 Nov 2007 04:10:22 PM

Title: LONG NAME in filter
Post by: billylodz on 12 Nov 2007 04:10:22 PM
I have problem with performane.

I'm using some SDK Application to generate reports  and jobs from templates and save it as view with signon information (I don't know this app.), I'm passing paramiters to LONG NAME filter, The problem is that for some reports the generation increased 40 times after using the caption. What is best solution in this case ?
Title: Re: LONG NAME in filter
Post by: MFGF on 12 Nov 2007 04:27:59 PM

Are you using a dimensional package or a relational package?  If you're using a dimensional package, how is your filter defined - as a detail filter in the query or the filters dialog, or as a query calculation using the dimensional operator -> as part of the expression to retrieve your set?

If the answer to these is that you are using a dimensional package and you are using a detail filter, try removing the detail filter and instead add a query calculation using an expression similar to the one below:

set([your level] -> ?parameter?)

Hopefully this will be far more efficient than using a detail filter, which is a relational-style technique rather than the dimensional style you see above.

Best regards,

Title: Re: LONG NAME in filter
Post by: billylodz on 12 Nov 2007 04:38:18 PM
some more Info.
Dimensional model.
connection to cube.
filters: list box, drop down list, tree prompt, from 3 to 7 on one rep.
some are optional, multi selection.

using LONG NAME in one of report increase the generation time 40 times.
Title: Re: LONG NAME in filter
Post by: MFGF on 12 Nov 2007 04:58:34 PM

What you are describing as filters are in fact the prompt controls that provide data for use in the filter parameters - they are not the filters themselves.  Can you check where the parameters are used - do you have filters defined in your query, or are you using the parameters within query calculations using the dimensional operator (->)? (as in my previous post).

If you find your query does have filters defined, replace them with query calculations as detailed previously to see if that improves the performance.


Title: Re: LONG NAME in filter
Post by: billylodz on 13 Nov 2007 07:27:27 AM
Thanks for some info. I'm just tring to use yours idea.
I have few filters in most of queries, all are needed.
The paramiters are not used within query calculations,
I have also a lot of condisonal block and varables whish are checking the paramiters.
When I'm traing with your sugestion my conditional block does't works.
but filtering is ok. 

I'm not author of this reports, I just need make automation for generating.
I'm beginner and I don't know where to start.

To change the qery it will take weeks - it's a lot of complex reports.
maybe there is some other way to pass paramiter to filters ??

whan I use Level in filter performace is very good for me.
but with this SDK Apllication works only with LONG NAME,  "I think" :)
