Hi all, not sure if this has been asked before but couldn't find anything online. I need to know how we can identify what FP is required from looking at the cmplst file.
Do we also need to update Cognos in order or the last FP can be applied?
The list shows the following under update information:
[Product Update Information]
C8BISRVR_UPDATE_name=IBM Cognos Business Intelligence Server Update
COGMOB_Update_name=IBM Cognos Mobile Update
Cognos shows the following updates available:
IBM Cognos 10.2.1
10.2.5000.275 - 10.2.1 GA
10.2.5001.156 - 10.2.1 FP1
10.2.5002.78 - 10.2.1 FP2
10.2.5003.113 - 10.2.1 FP3
10.2.5004.54 - 10.2.1 FP4 (build 10.2.5004.53 may be found in versions prior to Aug 15, 2014)
10.2.5005.78 - 10.2.1 FP5
10.2.5006.79 - 10.2.1 FP6
10.2.5007.30 - 10.2.1 FP7
10.2.5008.29 - 10.2.1 FP8
10.2.5009.33 - 10.2.1 FP9
10.2.5010.46 - 10.2.1. FP10 (build 10.2.5004.43 indicates the withdrawn Fix Pack 10)
10.2.5011.54 - 10.2.1 FP11
Thanks in advance.
IBM Cognos fixpacks are incremental.
According to your components list, you are running BI 10.2.1 with fixpack 3.
So if you want the latest fixpack, you can apply fixpack 11.
Thanks for the info Smiley