Hi All,
I have created the cube in the powerplay transformer and I need to publish it in FM as datasource. But my question is do I publsih the .MDC (cube) or the .MDL (cube model)? I am new to C8 and hence need to know how I need to do it. Also How do I rebuild the cube and how do I schedule it to run (weekly) for the latest data?
Please help
You use the .MDC files, which are PowerCubes. MDL files are the Models (Design).
1. Copy the .MDC file to a location on your Cognos 8 app server(s). (If you have multiple app servers, put it in exact same location on all servers)
2. In Cognos Connection, create a DataSource, type PowerCube, and set the path to the location of the .MDC file, as set in step 1.
3. In FM run the Import Metadata Wizard
4. Select Cognos 8 Datasources, and choose the Datasource you created in Step 2
5. Wizard will create the namespace and a Package.
6. Publish the Package created in 5.