i want to display the text as 'No data' in the cross tab report where there exists no data in the report.
Hi Subhash,
Please find the attached note pad and open it from the clip board in Gosales Package [Demo package].
hello venuuu....
we didn't get ur answer. explain properly....
so that we can understand properly.
See Subash,
I have told you properly that I have attached a notepad to my reply, I didnt tell you any thing else in my reply I just given you a notepad as an attachement to my reply, what you have to do is... you just download that notepad and open it in your Report Studio, then you will be able to see a sample report with the same scenario, which I have created by using Gosales package for your reference, just go through the report you will come to know every thing.
Please let me know, if you dont know how to open the report by using that notepad.
i got the answer in different way by using conditional variables.
any how thanks for ur response..
in future if i have any doubts i will ask u.
The same thing I have done in the attached report, just have to do the conditional formating with a boolean variable, thats what I have told in Tele-conv also, any way thats great finally u have fixed it, n you can surely ask me your doubts.
Hi friends,
can u help me in cognos8, i have some doubts
1. I don't know how to open the report by using the notepad
2. What is the use of XML in cognos reports studio
3. If we save the reports it will save in the xml format, and my question is we can develop XML instead of developing the report
4. I am intrested to do the certification, if u have any material can u send to me
thanks inadvance
A). In REport Studio, after you have defined your report, click Tools menu and select Copy to Clipboard.
B). Start Notepad, and paste the clipboard into notepad
2). Ummm... everything in Cognos 8 is saved/stored in XML in the Content Store
3). Good luck with that... Cognos built these tools to save you from having to code that way, but if you are able to and want to, have at it.
- To put your manually created report XML into a Report Studio report, again, select Tools menu and select Insert Report Spec from Clipboard.