Hi all,
I have a really basic question about prompts in FM. If you mention Edit Box for Prompt Type in Prompt Info in the properties pane, what exactly should happen? If you mention Select Date/ Time etc...does it prompt for a selection for that particular item? What does Select value/ Select with search do?
Thank you.
The Prompt Type Property and it's values are explained on the support site of Cognos. Search on "Define a Prompt Control" in the "Framework Manager 8.1.2 MR2 User Guide" to find the information you need.
Edit box means you will end up with a Text box prompt (ie a type-in field) being automatically generated if you code a parameter for this item.
Select Value = Value Prompt
Select Date = Date Prompt
Select Time = Time Prompt
Select with Search = Select & Search Prompt
All these prompts are available to you in the toolbox in Report Studio, but defining the prompt control in this way from FM will influence the automatically generated prompts for parameters where you do not code your own specific prompt in the report. The default will always be ServerDetermined, which means the C8 server decides what the most suitable prompt type will be based on the data type of the item used by the parameter.