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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: dmk.3678 on 16 Oct 2016 04:57:35 AM

Title: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: dmk.3678 on 16 Oct 2016 04:57:35 AM

i am having some issue when Drill Through from DMR to Relational.

My Parent Report has Hierarchy as 'Age Category'. So the First level is Age Category then Gender.
Now in my Target i have data Item as 'Age Category' so i  can pass memberCaption and create filter for any age category.

But when i do drill down to gender level and try to do the same drill through, it does not shows the data.

please suggest so we have Drill Through to target report from any level of the parent report.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: MFGF on 17 Oct 2016 03:09:26 AM
Quote from: dmk.3678 on 16 Oct 2016 04:57:35 AM

i am having some issue when Drill Through from DMR to Relational.

My Parent Report has Hierarchy as 'Age Category'. So the First level is Age Category then Gender.
Now in my Target i have data Item as 'Age Category' so i  can pass memberCaption and create filter for any age category.

But when i do drill down to gender level and try to do the same drill through, it does not shows the data.

please suggest so we have Drill Through to target report from any level of the parent report.


You need two optional parameter filters on your target report - one for Age Category (which you have) and one for Gender (which you don't). Once you have defined the Gender filter and saved the target report, you need to change the drill-through definition to pass the Gender as well as the Age Category.


Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: dmk.3678 on 20 Oct 2016 01:02:58 AM
Thanks Dear.

I will try that and let you know  the outcome.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: dmk.3678 on 20 Oct 2016 03:50:20 AM
Quote from: MFGF on 17 Oct 2016 03:09:26 AM

You need two optional parameter filters on your target report - one for Age Category (which you have) and one for Gender (which you don't). Once you have defined the Gender filter and saved the target report, you need to change the drill-through definition to pass the Gender as well as the Age Category.




as you suggested i have created optional detail filter for Gender as well. see Screenshot attached (background image)
and i am passing memberCaption in Drill Through. See Screenshot attached (front image)

But now its not working at all and do not give any data. but when i remove the detail filter for Gender from child report, it gives data when drill through from Level 1 (Age Category), but when i drill down to any age category (Shows Male and Female Gender level) to Level 2, and do Drill Through it does not show any data. I believe its because from level 2 its either passing male or female i click on for child report. And in child report as per detail filter, there is no Age Category with caption Male/Female.

This  is where i am stuck. i am trying to figure out how can drill through to child report from any level of  the Age Category Hierarchy.

My Parent Report is DMR, and Child Report is Relational. But both have same memberCaption.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: squish88 on 21 Oct 2016 02:47:32 PM
Have you tried using a singleton or whatever to check to see what's actually getting passed to the relational report??  Like, is it JUST the member caption that you're expecting, or is it passing the entire MUN even though you don't want it to?  That might explain why the Drill Through is coming up w/no data.  Just a thought.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: dmk.3678 on 23 Oct 2016 12:25:31 AM
Quote from: squish88 on 21 Oct 2016 02:47:32 PM
Have you tried using a singleton or whatever to check to see what's actually getting passed to the relational report??  Like, is it JUST the member caption that you're expecting, or is it passing the entire MUN even though you don't want it to?  That might explain why the Drill Through is coming up w/no data.  Just a thought.

Yes Dear,

I have checked that and its passing the MemberCaption. in my target report both detail filters are as below. both are set to optional.

1) [Age Category]=?Age_Cat?
2) [Gender] = ?Gender?

In parent report i have drill down enabled from top level to bottom. Age Category is my top level and Gender is the next level in hierarchy. I am passing member caption of hierarchy [Project].[LogicLayer].[Age Category] in both parameters (B'ze Age Category and Gender are of same heairarchy one is top level and another is 2nd level). when do drill through from Age Category then it works fine. but when i do drill down to 2nd level to gender, and then drill through it says no data available in child report.

Please suggest further.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: bdbits on 24 Oct 2016 09:44:45 AM
Age and Gender are different levels in the same hierarchy? When you are on the lower level and drill through, is the target getting both parameters and thus trying to apply both filters? That could be a problem.

(Also just an observation and I am guessing English is not your native tongue... "yes dear" in English and particularly for Americans can be taken as condescending unless you have a very personal relationship with the other person. I would avoid using it in a context like Cognoise.)
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: dmk.3678 on 24 Oct 2016 05:18:06 PM
Quote from: bdbits on 24 Oct 2016 09:44:45 AM
Age and Gender are different levels in the same hierarchy? When you are on the lower level and drill through, is the target getting both parameters and thus trying to apply both filters? That could be a problem.

(Also just an observation and I am guessing English is not your native tongue... "yes dear" in English and particularly for Americans can be taken as condescending unless you have a very personal relationship with the other person. I would avoid using it in a context like Cognoise.)

Yes they are different levels of same hierarchy. When i drill through from lower level (Exp - Male) then i am getting the memberCaption correctly i.e 'Male', but its not able to filter for for which Age Category (Parent Level of Male) we need to filter for.

Can you please suggest how would i pass both parameters lower and parent as well when i am on the lower level and drill through.

And sure, i will keep that in mind abt the language. My apologies.
Title: Re: DMR to Relational Drill Through
Post by: bdbits on 27 Oct 2016 12:45:32 PM
You typically cannot filter on multiple levels, and actually it does not make much sense why you would from a data standpoint.

A hierarchy implies relationship between level, in which the lower levels are by definition linked to the higher levels. So a member at a lower level can only ever have one parent at a higher level. Therefore, pointing to a member lower level automatically determines which higher level member is being used.

It sounds to me like you actually have two separate dimensions here - Age, and Gender. I think the model needs to be changed.

I also just noticed you say you are using detail filters. Never use detail filters with dimensional sources - use slicers (probably want a filter() function) instead.

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