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Legacy Business Intelligence => COGNOS ReportNet => Framework Manager => Topic started by: phoenixfire on 08 Nov 2007 11:20:39 AM

Title: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: phoenixfire on 08 Nov 2007 11:20:39 AM
I have a data item declared as a fact in FM and its Regular aggregate and Semi-aggregate values show up as Sum, Sum resp. We do not want any summary values in the query studio report. I am able to change the Regular aggregate value to unsupported. But the semi-aggregate value is disabled and it doesn't allow me to change it.
Apparently, FM classifies a fact data item to have an aggregate value sum, identifier->count and if its attribute or unknown then unsupported. I know the users have an option of specifying no aggregate values in the query studio but is there anyway to do this in the model apart from changing my data item from a fact to an attribute?
Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: MFGF on 08 Nov 2007 11:26:49 AM

If memory serves, the SemiAggregate property is only valid if you are using an SAP data source, and will be disabled for any normal relational/ODBC data.  All you should need to do to prevent automatic aggregation happening in Report Studio and Query Studio is to set the RegularAggregate property to Unsupported.


Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: phoenixfire on 08 Nov 2007 01:56:22 PM
Hi MF,
Thanks for the prompt reply. I tried this method. I set the regular aggregate property to unsupported and semi-aggregate still shows sum but is disabled. But for some reason the query studio shows summary levels in the report.
The database we use is not SAP as you guessed. Its Oracle. Any further suggestions are appreciated.

Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: phoenixfire on 08 Nov 2007 02:02:30 PM
I checked another thing. It works for Report Studio..It doesn't show the aggregated values. But Query studio still has the same problem. Do you think its some kind of bug?

Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: MFGF on 09 Nov 2007 05:33:15 AM
Hmmm - this doesn't sound like expected behaviour in Query Studio, so I'd be tempted to log it with Cognos support.

The only other thing to ensure is that your view of the package hasn't been cached and is still being referred to by QS.  To be sure, try starting a new browser session, try clearing your IE cache, and if possible, restart the C8 service.  I'm not hopeful this will change what you are seeing, but at least it will mean Cognos Support cannot ask you to try these then come back to them.


Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: DeeEss on 31 May 2016 08:11:58 AM
Hi MF,

did you get any response for this.
I am stuck in a situation where i have a measure Order reg aggregate=sum and semi aggregate=unsupported ( unchangeable). I have another measure called Order PY same aggregae propertied as Orders.
Now i create a calculated measure= Orders vs PY, expression= [Orders]-[Orders PY].
By default the agg properties are : reg aggr= unsupported. semi aggr=unsupported.

This works in reports studio if i set the reg aggr property to calculated. But at the same time does not work in query studio.

Did u get any follow up from IBM for this thread. I know this post was quite old, but this is just what i m facing.

Title: Re: Semi-aggregate value in Framework Manager
Post by: dougp on 31 May 2016 10:27:46 AM
What is the value of the Usage property on the query item?  If it is Fact, try changing it to Attribute.