iam currently using the demo of cognos 11 on the IBM biz site.
i cant figure out how to import sql into a query is it still in there? i cant seem to find it also the join / union / except options i cant find.
hope u can help me out if its hidden somewhere or its just not in the demo.
Quote from: bartburg on 10 Oct 2016 06:54:31 AM
iam currently using the demo of cognos 11 on the IBM biz site.
i cant figure out how to import sql into a query is it still in there? i cant seem to find it also the join / union / except options i cant find.
hope u can help me out if its hidden somewhere or its just not in the demo.
I don't think the demo environment has the capability allowed to permit user defined SQL in reports? It is available in the product, just not switched on in the demo environment.
To manage your queries and add multiple queries which are joined/unioned etc, select the Navigate button on the left, select the Queries tab at the top of the pane, and click on Queries. When you open the toolbox you can now bring in queries, joins, unions etc.