Native Query table is not populating, even i've enable the logging checks for native query my report service trace is running at basic level.
You need to enable the audit parameter for native query.
1. Go to "IBM Cognos Adminitsration"
2. Click on the Configuration Tab
3. Click on Dispatchers & Services
4. Click Set Properties on the dispatcher
3. On the Set Properties page, click the Settings tab.
4. Check the boxes next to the following logging features:
- Audit the native query for batch report service
- Audit the native query for report service
5. Click OK
already check the 'Audit the native query for report service' but log table is not populating.
Does native query log table contains self service(query studio) sql?
It should, yes.
I see that you set the logging level to basic. For Native Query logging it needs to be set at least to Request. If you don't see all the queries being logged then you need to set it to Trace.
Unless there's a strict audit requirement, I would not keep it at Request or Trace for very long. I would only use Native Query to get an idea of the type of queries that my users are generating.
Do i have to set all the logging levels to 'trace' for native query or just for 'report service'?
Do services restart needed after configuration?