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General Discussion => General Discussion & Gossip => Topic started by: CharlieTriangle on 05 Oct 2016 08:30:57 AM

Title: Business Analytics Adoption Part 3: Planning and Analysis
Post by: CharlieTriangle on 05 Oct 2016 08:30:57 AM
n my previous blogs we looked at the early steps on the journey to business analytics adoption where companies take the first tentative steps. We looked at how companies use Business Intelligence Reporting tools to extend their operational reporting capabilities and how after a time they start experiencing performance issues.

In my second blog post we saw how companies build a data warehouse to support their enterprise reporting solutions.

In this blog I look at where our journey takes us:

We have created a data warehouse and it's supporting a number of reports for the business however a DWH is never 100% completed. Companies continue to grow, they expand into new areas of business and these require new reporting requirements which in turn may require new data to be added to the DWH. So what are the next steps on our journey? Well, there are several steps that may be tackled at this stage of our journey, these may be tackled in series or parallel. One area I'm very keen to encourage our customers to achieve is to "Sweat the Asset" they have already paid for.

Sweat your Assets

You have invested in the BI reporting software. You have invested the time and money to build your data warehouse, now is the time to reap the rewards. Looking at the customers we engage with, this is where the majority of them are today on their journey. BI has become an established must have technology for today's businesses.

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