Anybody have any suggestions on getting mailing labels to print correctly on Avery 5162 Labels (2 across, 7 down). I have a repeater set up and get all my correct data I want to print, but I cannot for the life of me get it to line up with the avery labels for printing. Can anyone give me any suggestions????
I have given height and width in repeater Cell 1.33"(H) width as 4"
In repater cell I having a table.
Tried almost everything please help
As well as setting the height and width in the Size & Overflow property, you could also try changing the alignment to middle centre or try using the padding property to indent from left/right/top/bottom where required.
I guess it's going to be a case of trial-and-error to get the alignment exactly right.
Hi MF.
Thanks..You are right..This is an trial an error...
I will update the forum onces i get it correct
so that anyone who wants need not look
Thanks again
Thanks - if you can find a way to crack this problem and save others from having to endure the same pain, we'd really appreciate you posting your solution.
Good luck! :)