How to round a value of 4.53% to 4 %, 4.44% to 4% using Report studio in cognos 10?
As, I have tried to use round function but it rounds a value in such a way like, 4.53% to 5% and 4.44% to 4%. But I dont want in this way.
Even I tried to use trunc function, but it is giving some unexpected result like 0.00% for 4.53%, 0.00% for 4.44%. Please suggest for the same.
Hermoine Granger
Quote from: Rohini Suryawanshi on 29 Sep 2016 02:57:28 AM
How to round a value of 4.53% to 4 %, 4.44% to 4% using Report studio in cognos 10?
As, I have tried to use round function but it rounds a value in such a way like, 4.53% to 5% and 4.44% to 4%. But I dont want in this way.
Even I tried to use trunc function, but it is giving some unexpected result like 0.00% for 4.53%, 0.00% for 4.44%. Please suggest for the same.
Rohini Suryawanshi
You could try using the floor() function - this ought to give you what you need.
Take a look at the Floor function. It rounds numbers down to the nearest integer so you might have to do some arithmetic to get it working e.g.
floor([Your calculation or data item]*100)/100
Edit: Too slow :)
Quote from: dax on 29 Sep 2016 03:26:12 AM
Take a look at the Floor function. It rounds numbers down to the nearest integer so you might have to do some arithmetic to get it working e.g.
floor([Your calculation or data item]*100)/100
Edit: Too slow :)
Lol. Unless you can type at the speed of a bullet train, I posted my answer as you were finishing up yours. It's far better to get two answers that agree than two that contradict, and in fact your answer has much more useful detail than mine. :)
Thanks guys... it was helpful.