I appreciate that the traditional portal pages have been deprecated in v11 but I was wondering how people are around this for their users? I can see that v10 portal pages can be brought over and they open in a new Window. But I was wondering if anyone has tried to manipulate v11 in any way to even get a work around.
I have 2 days trying to find a way create a Porlet in Cognos Analystic (11) then i found this Tips that helps you to enable Cognos Connection in Cognos Analytic (11). http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21982015
So I can build Tabs, Porlets here.............. Please will welcome more findings from anyone if you see any limitation using this. I notice you cant lunch any studios here but that is find with me..... all i need this for is for Porlets, Tabs