- The IBM Cognos Community

General Discussion => Introduce yourself and your company! => Topic started by: BigDataLouis on 15 Sep 2016 11:07:49 AM

Title: Back in the game!
Post by: BigDataLouis on 15 Sep 2016 11:07:49 AM

Your forum is a rich resource!

I used Cognos Impromptu from 2000 to 2006, then didn't touch again until a few weeks ago.
Now I am using Report Studio 10 and picking up where I left off learning more advanced techniques and strategies.
Eventually I expect to delve into data modelling and optimizing performance, but for now I am focused on just being really good and making reports.

BTW I'm in Saint Louis MO!

Big Data Louis

Title: Re: Back in the game!
Post by: Lynn on 16 Sep 2016 02:01:05 AM
Welcome! There are lots of people to learn from here. The forum etiquette (,24030.0.html) and reporting FAQs (,27563.0.html) sticky posts have some good tips on how to get the best advice plus some answers to common questions so worth perusing if you haven't already.

Title: Re: Back in the game!
Post by: bdbits on 16 Sep 2016 10:30:49 AM
It must have been quite a jolt going from Impromptu to version 10. If you have not seen version 11 yet, there are even more surprises awaiting you.   ;)

Welcome to Cognoise.