Good Afternoon
Wanting to leverage existing Cognos 10.2.2 BI app server to install Metric Server, so that I can re-use BI gateway and content manager.
(1) Do I install Metric Server in same install path as BI ?
(2) I assume Metric Server has it own Cognos Configuration file ?
Thanks !!
you can include it in an existing cognos install, be mindful of the bit (32 or 64).
you can install it in separate location as well.
that is great thanks. It is all 64 bit. My assumption is that there will be two configuration files, one for BI and one for Metrics ?
Quote from: fry on 17 Sep 2016 07:06:58 PM
that is great thanks. It is all 64 bit. My assumption is that there will be two configuration files, one for BI and one for Metrics ?
Nope. If they are installed in the same location the configuration is all done together.