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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Upgrading to Cognos Analytics => Topic started by: juetron on 13 Sep 2016 05:05:42 AM

Title: Internet Explorer 8 Vs Cognos 11.0.3
Post by: juetron on 13 Sep 2016 05:05:42 AM
This is a strange question. And I am very aware that 'officially' Cognos 11.0.3 doesn't support Internet Explorer 8.

However, due to a peculiar set of circumstances my organisation is currently stuck on Windows XP and Internet Explorer 8. Why we are stuck on XP/IE8 is a long story and a case study for avoiding technical debt.

I would like to know if anyone has been able to test if IE8 actually works against Cognos 11.0.3 regardless of it not officially being supported.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 8 Vs Cognos 11.0.3
Post by: juetron on 13 Sep 2016 06:01:53 AM
I think I know the answer to this now !

Just tried Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer 8 Emulation mode against the IBM Cognos 11 Cloud demo version. You can navigate around the new interface but you cannot run any report content.

It displays a standard 'browser is not supported' message, followed by a specific component error, followed by a blank screen.

Back to the drawing board.
Title: Re: Internet Explorer 8 Vs Cognos 11.0.3
Post by: josephg123 on 30 Nov 2016 04:38:30 AM
Did you ever find any way around this? I've got pretty much exactly the same problem in that my organisation is still using IE 8
