I have a requirement in my report where the negative sign need to be supressed while displaying the list total.
Sample dat of the list
Account No Transactions Overdraft amount
11111111 3 -1000
22222222 10 -100
33333333 5 -2000
Total 18 3100
When I use abs() function for overdraft amount column all the values are getting converted to positive. I just want to supress the negative values in the total.
Can this be done in report studio?
Take another column as below(make "Overdraft amount" column as +ve by *-1)
Account No Transactions Overdraft amount Overdraft amount*-1
11111111 3 -1000 1000
22222222 10 -100 100
33333333 5 -2000 2000
Total 18 3100 3100
Hide all red coloured cells, then u will get ur out put
You could create a manual total along the lines of
TOTAL (IF (overdraft > 0) then (0) else (Overdraft))
use a simple solution, do not complicate things.
Unlock the total cell and add a calculated field
abs(total ([overdraft amount] for report))