Greetings Everyone,
I am new to Cognos 11 , if you all remember the Java syntax we had for hiding the first 2 lines of Prompts the Header and Dotted line below it in Cognos 10 is no longer working with 11.
If you do have the script for 'Drop Down List' prompt and can share the same it will help me immensely.
Thank you.
Good Day
It's JavaScript, not Java, but in any case you've not needed JavaScript to do this for quite some time.
Check the prompt's properties for "Hide adornments" and I think the other property is "Header text" (Cognos unavailable to me from here).
Hide Adornments does not remove the dotted line within the Drop Down List Value Prompt.
Header Text is also of no use as I am using a DMR model which already has an 'All' member.
There is some documentation on Prompt API for Analytics 11 , but not getting desired results -