Hi all,
I need to create a datasource for a SQL Server 2012 db.
I setup JDBC connection fro DQM but I'm having problems with compatible mode.
In Cognos BI 10.2.2 I used OLE DB Driver in order to connect to SQL Server, but this mode doesn't appear in Cognos Analytics (see the image, please)
I'm trying to use the Native Client but a connection error occurs.
What's wrong?
Can anybody help me to understand, please?
Thanks in advance
Using ODBC, connection works well....
Solution: Install the SQL Server Native Client for Windows
Quote from: Rosanero4Ever on 24 Aug 2016 04:26:41 AM
Hi all,
I need to create a datasource for a SQL Server 2012 db.
I setup JDBC connection fro DQM but I'm having problems with compatible mode.
In Cognos BI 10.2.2 I used OLE DB Driver in order to connect to SQL Server, but this mode doesn't appear in Cognos Analytics (see the image, please)
I'm trying to use the Native Client but a connection error occurs.
What's wrong?
Can anybody help me to understand, please?
Thanks in advance
Using ODBC, connection works well....
The SQL Server Native Client isn't something IBM owns or ships. It's a Microsoft component, and you need to get it from Microsoft and install it. If you have a SQL Server installer, you can use a custom install to bring in just the native client libraries without installing the database engine. The native client needs to be installed on the Cognos server (or servers).
CA does provide a SQL Server connector built-in, go to Manage -> Data Servers -> click + for new and select Microsoft SQL Server
Quote from: CrazyModeler on 26 Aug 2016 09:46:38 AM
CA does provide a SQL Server connector built-in, go to Manage -> Data Servers -> click + for new and select Microsoft SQL Server
This is JDBC-only, and it needs you to download the Microsoft JDBC driver (sqljdbc4.jar) and install it in the Drivers folder before it will work. It doesn't allow access via OleDB, as Rosano4Ever was asking.
Compatible query engine supports SQL Server via two programming interfaces: OLE-DB and ODBC.
Microsoft refers to their "Client" as Native Client and it incorporates those API's
Microsoft no longer supports older versions Native Clients which are the ones removed from the connection editor UI. Install the latest SQL Server Native client which supports various versions of SQL Server which MS still supports.
See also http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21988989
Cognos ReportNet thru to current 11.x has never bundled Microsoft client drivers, you would always be expected to obtain them from the Microsoft media/download locations.
Just wanted to add that if you want to use Windows Authentication for your JDBC drivers you need these files:
sqljdbc4.jar - put it in C:/Program files/ibm/Cognos/analytics/drivers
sqljdbc_auth.dll - put in C:/Program files/ibm/Cognos/analytics/bin64 (or /bin if using x86).