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Planning & Consolidation => TM1 => Topic started by: kimmal on 17 Aug 2016 01:08:27 PM

Title: TI Code to extract data
Post by: kimmal on 17 Aug 2016 01:08:27 PM
I have a cube that has 3 dimension: EmpName, DeptNum, SupName. The values in EmpName are in the format Name - Employee Number (so as an example it might look like this Jones, Tom - 1234 (same with SupName). 2 records might look like this:

"Jones, Tom - 1234","ABC123","Barker, Bob - 9876"
"Placeholder1","ABC123","Rabbit, Roger - 4561"

I would like to extract the data into a CSV file (I'm using TEXTOUTPUT), but I want to truncate the Employee Number for real employees (1st record), but there isn't trucation needed for the Placeholder employees (as they don't have an employee number. I know that I'm always truncating the last 7 characters. In excel I do something like =LEFT(cell,len(cell)-7).

So it should look like this
"Jones, Tom","ABC123","Barker, Bob"
"Placeholder1","ABC123","Rabbit, Roger"

Not sure what coding I need to do in my TI to accomplish this. I got the extract part (TEXTOUTPUT) in the MetaData tab, just not sure about the text manipulation part.

Any help is appreciated

Title: Re: TI Code to extract data
Post by: kimmal on 17 Aug 2016 01:32:52 PM
Got the TextOutput part, just haven't figured out the "Placeholder" part
