I have a cube that has 3 dimension: EmpName, DeptNum, SupName. The values in EmpName are in the format Name - Employee Number (so as an example it might look like this Jones, Tom - 1234 (same with SupName). 2 records might look like this:
"Jones, Tom - 1234","ABC123","Barker, Bob - 9876"
"Placeholder1","ABC123","Rabbit, Roger - 4561"
I would like to extract the data into a CSV file (I'm using TEXTOUTPUT), but I want to truncate the Employee Number for real employees (1st record), but there isn't trucation needed for the Placeholder employees (as they don't have an employee number. I know that I'm always truncating the last 7 characters. In excel I do something like =LEFT(cell,len(cell)-7).
So it should look like this
"Jones, Tom","ABC123","Barker, Bob"
"Placeholder1","ABC123","Rabbit, Roger"
Not sure what coding I need to do in my TI to accomplish this. I got the extract part (TEXTOUTPUT) in the MetaData tab, just not sure about the text manipulation part.
Any help is appreciated
Got the TextOutput part, just haven't figured out the "Placeholder" part