Display a dashboard with charts - Line, Column, Area, Bubble
A multi-select check box to filter for one or more values (100+ distinct values). The data in each chart should dynamically change based on values selected and the scale should accommodate dynamically.
I have Cognos 10.2.2 and imported visualizations for 10.2.2 - Visualization_Customizer_10_2_2(1).zip - from below link.§ion=files
To start with I tried the line chart with Data Check Box Group and experienced below issues.
1. Y-axis does not accommodate the scale based on the data that change with filter selection. If very few values are selected, the lines go flat which cannot be distinguished.
2. Results after filtering the data through check box group are incorrect.
If there are 4 values, selecting all does not match with selecting none (a hardcoded filter on those 4 values is added to the query).
3. Values on the lines are incorrect.
I am not sure whether I am using the right version of visualizations or if I am using the right options. Can anyone suggest please?
Any pointers on this are highly appreciated. I am struggling to troubleshoot this. The results after applying filter are being inflated and are much larger than if I don't add a connection with the data check box group.
Thank you.
Quote from: cog8user on 11 Aug 2016 12:52:42 PM
Display a dashboard with charts - Line, Column, Area, Bubble
A multi-select check box to filter for one or more values (100+ distinct values). The data in each chart should dynamically change based on values selected and the scale should accommodate dynamically.
I have Cognos 10.2.2 and imported visualizations for 10.2.2 - Visualization_Customizer_10_2_2(1).zip - from below link.§ion=files
To start with I tried the line chart with Data Check Box Group and experienced below issues.
1. Y-axis does not accommodate the scale based on the data that change with filter selection. If very few values are selected, the lines go flat which cannot be distinguished.
2. Results after filtering the data through check box group are incorrect.
If there are 4 values, selecting all does not match with selecting none (a hardcoded filter on those 4 values is added to the query).
3. Values on the lines are incorrect.
I am not sure whether I am using the right version of visualizations or if I am using the right options. Can anyone suggest please?
1. To get the axis scale to change based on the filtering you apply, select the Measure in the Data section of your visualization, and in the Properties pane, change the "Value Range" property to "Filtered data".
2. Selecting all values and selecting no values isn't necessarily the same thing. Are there rows with a null value being included in the data set? If so, these will not be included if you do a "Select all" but they will be included if you deselect all. Can you confirm you're using a "Data check box group" object from the toolbox?
3. Values on the lines are incorrect? Can you describe how? Is there a pattern? What do you get vs what do you expect to get? It's very difficult to suggest how to fix this with so little information to go on. Have you tried running the report and using <ctrl><shift>D to toggle Debug Mode on, then right-clicking on a visualization and looking at the recordsets?