Hi Modellers,
I have a dimension with more than 20,000 categories. The transformer does allow me to generate the categories (although it throws a warning). After building the cube, members within that dimension doesn't populate. This dimension is critical to the report and I'm not sure how to fix this. Please advise.
Not sure I follow... first you say you are able to generate the categories successfully. But then you say it "doesn't populate"?
Are the categories viewable in the category window in Transformer but just do not show in the cube? It might be that the facts are not properly related to the dimension - keep the key column/field names the same in both, and check your data source to see if you have keys with matching values in both fact and dim. Another related thing is that if a category is not referenced by a fact, by default it will not show in the cube.
Firstly, I thank you a lot for taking time to answer my question.
You are absolutely correct. None of the measures in the cube are in scope with that dimension. That could be the reason why the cube won't show up the members of that dimension. I'll try the approach you've suggested me and let you know.
The strange thing is; how could I even miss noticing it? ::) See, attention to detail is all which makes a difference. :o
Thank you :)
It perfectly worked for me.
I have created that dimension for list reporting. By creating a dummy measure in scope with that dimension helped in generating members in the cube.
Thanks a ton :)