how to fill in database aggregate table???????
Can you define the problem a little more precisely please.
If you mean, how do I create in-database aggregate tables then if you have DQA logs you can use that as the basis for the DDL.
If you mean, how do I define an aggregate in a cube which maps to a in-database aggregate table which I've just created then you create an aggregate in the cube that you want to have the aggregate in and define what measures and dimensions are in the aggregate and at what level. That, in turn, depends on what's in the aggregate table that you've created. The sample cube has an example of a in-database aggregate in it, which might help guide you.
The redbook goes on about the topic of aggregates at some length, much like a manager who owns a Tesla.
Quote from: bus_pass_man on 10 Aug 2016 06:36:29 AM
much like a manager who owns a Tesla.
Hmmmm. Wonder what car your manager drives. Or does the car drive your manager? Hmmm :)
tank you man
i create aggregate table in data warehouse and map dimensionaland measure in ibm cognos cube designer
but dont fill aggregate table in data base
please tell me how fill aggregate table