I'm getteing the following errors, while running the reports. Could you tell me what is the reason and how to resolve this.
1. An error occurred while performing operation 'sqlScrollBulkFetch'
2. PDS-PPE-0116 An I/O error occurred using a temporary file. PPDSError
Thank you,
My guess is that the cognos service account doesn't have permission to access the temporary files.
try to change the cognos startup account to a user who belongs to the local administrator group,
and restart the service
The user account used to start the cognos8 service should also have read/write access to this folder
<cognos8_install folder>\temp
let us know if this worked.
Hi PR,
It will seem to me to be an environmental issue relating to disc space. We resolved this issue in the past by deleting unused temporary files.
In addition to this check how yor DBA has been managing his log files
Thank you, I'm working on that