Hi Guys,
Do you have any idea how to use parameterized URL in Cognos 11 as it was done in Cognos earlier versions. We need to pass parameters through URL from other application. We are trying to generate URL and pass parameters through URL but it is not working.
Thanks in advance.
I don't think there is anything changed in cognos 11 in that aspect. Can you provide more details like your earlier and current URL for ex?
Quote from: Jiteshjs on 30 Jul 2016 07:17:17 AM
...We are trying to generate URL and pass parameters through URL but it is not working...
That's not much for us to go on. "It is not working"? If I posted "I'm writing a program and it is not working. Please help me fix this" how would you respond to me? What would you suggest?
All we can advise here based on what you're telling us so far is that you should isolate what is causing it not to work and fix whatever it is. :)
Please take a look at the Forum Etiquette post below - paragraph 1
Initially in Cognos earlier versions we were able to retrieve the report URL through the report properties and then we used to append the parameter to it:
http://<serverName>/ibmcognos/<report path>/&p_ParamPL='Camping Equipment' (ParamPL is the parameter used in my report).
In Cognos Analytics i am not able to retrieve the URL. In the properties we only get the reportid and not the complete URL. However when we run the report, a URL is generated. We used that URL and appended the parameter to it but it is not passed to the report and the prompt pop up appears again.
http://<servername>/ibmcognos/<reportid>/&p_ParamPL='Camping Equipment'.
Would there by any other way to retrieve the report URL and is there any change in passing the parameters through URL?
Quote from: Jiteshjs on 02 Aug 2016 10:07:24 PM
Initially in Cognos earlier versions we were able to retrieve the report URL through the report properties and then we used to append the parameter to it:
http://<serverName>/ibmcognos/<report path>/&p_ParamPL='Camping Equipment' (ParamPL is the parameter used in my report).
In Cognos Analytics i am not able to retrieve the URL. In the properties we only get the reportid and not the complete URL. However when we run the report, a URL is generated. We used that URL and appended the parameter to it but it is not passed to the report and the prompt pop up appears again.
http://<servername>/ibmcognos/<reportid>/&p_ParamPL='Camping Equipment'.
Would there by any other way to retrieve the report URL and is there any change in passing the parameters through URL?
At the moment the report URL is not available through the new Glass UI. You can (currently, anyway) still enable the Cognos Connection UI in Cognos Analytics, which still allows you to grab the URL through the Report Properties pane like you did in Cognos 10.
There was a support article about running reports via URL in Cognos Analytics, but it looks like it's been taken down:
Thanks for the info.
I found this Technote which talks about Parameterized URL. We need to add Storeid in the report URL and rest everything is same as in earlier versions of Cognos. I tested this and it worked fine.
I found this IBM doc if it helps: https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/en/SSEP7J_11.0.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.wig_cr.doc/c_wig_cr_create_custom_url.html
Hey Gurus!
Does anyone know how to pass parameters via the URL to a report that uses a cube? I want to filter the cube by a member. The usual method of appending the URL with &p_ParameterName=<Parameter Value> does not seem to work in this case.
Thanks in advance!
And here is how you do it:
I missed this somehow. Try this as well: