Hi Folks
Has anyone run into problems installing the new version ?.
Spent the entire day trying to get it working without luck :-(
1. Dont try and install over the top a previous version 11... it seems to corrupt your cognos config and my content store vanished !.
2. When i reinstalled from fresh (via custom install with or without the optional gateway)... I cannot access the web front http://<servername>:9300/bi/
(this worked perfectly in my previous version (11.0.0)) I keep getting this bizarre error (see attached)
Anyone out there getting same issues ?.
I thought v11 was meant to be so much easier to upgrade !... jeez I was so wrong !.
Hi, I've just installed 11.0.3 today over the previous 11.0.2 version. During the installation I've pointed out the location of existing 11.0.2 version. After installation everything seems to be working fine, all the configuration stays untouched, cmplst file says it's 11.0.3.
Before upgrade I've simply stopped Cognos service. During installation, after pointing out the location where 11.0.2 is installed, prompt showed up saying that there is existing installation and some files will be overwritten. I've clicked OK and that's it.
We are on Windows 2012/IIS/SQL Server
Thanks for the information. I'll be trying this soon.
Didn't we miss a step? All I see on the calendars is birthdays, which is totally worthless in the context of this forum. When was 11.0.3 released? In the absence of actual information (I can't find the date/time on the IBM site) when did someone first notice it was released?
Hi Dougp - was released on the 6th July. I only found out via twitter and a support notification - so don't worry you are not far behind ;-).
APM - thanks for confirmation that an over the top install actually works !... I didn't have any luck with it... it seemed to corrupt my cogconfig.xml and my content store section just vanished.
Not a lot I could apart from uninstall completely and reinstall.
After a clean install I managed to rebuild the configuration but got some weird log on errors such as the ones attached and mentioned below.
Checking the dispatcher and content manager URLs...
they were both working (and not forgetting to clear my browser cache, and try IE, Chrome and Firefox) - so it appears that the new BI UI (Glass?) failed to install and configure properly.
I checked the logs directory and there were errors relating to BouncyCastle and org.apache.wink.server and file not found errors.
Another uninstall, reboot and reinstall finally made these problems go away.
Not ideal as I would love to know why I couldn't install over the top (maybe you have to install 11.0.1 and 11.0.2 incrementally ?)....but maybe others can comment on this thread !.
I did two installs because I keep two versions going in our skunkworks. I did install overtop in both cases (still on the fence over this method but we will take them at their word its the way of the future for now).
The first install was a 11.0.2 that had been upgraded from 11.0.1 and it installed fine but when I started it up it exploded during the CS consistency check. The errors are posted down below for interest. The system spun up but the new portal did not display. I however could log into the old Cognos Connect portal which we had enabled as a work around for tenancy issues, and I was able to access the admin console.
The second install was 11.0.2 that had been installed clean as a custom install (back in those days the ready to run install didn't work!). It installed fine and everything seems to be working ok.
So with 50% success rate I'm going to try more things before I upgrade our working system. I'm hoping it is something related to the original install of 11.0.1 and not a random disaster. In any case back up those content stores folks.
##################C11.0.3 upgrade errors####################
CM-SYS-2215 A Content Manager internal POSTINITACTIONS task started.
23:00:53, CM-SYS-2212 Warning: The content store database contains inconsistencies. Review your IPF logs for more information.
23:00:53, CM-SYS-5199 Content Manager detected 12 missing row(s) in table(s) ([CMOBJPROPS14, CMOBJPROPS7]). CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (493) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). Cause: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (488) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). Stack trace: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (488) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.addDetails(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:1295) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.addDetailForCheckMissingRows(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:1265) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.checkMissingRows(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:694) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.checkInternalInconsistencies(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:288) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.performConsistencyCheck(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:223) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.performConsistencyCheckAtUpgrade(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:199) at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStore.initializeContentDependent(CMDbStore.java:4494) at com.cognos.cm.server.CMServlet.initializeContentStoreForActive(CMServlet.java:2217) at com.cognos.cm.server.CMServlet.init(CMServlet.java:1917) at com.cognos.cm.server.ContentManager.start(ContentManager.java:436) at com.cognos.cm.server.ContentManagerLifecycleHandler.start(ContentManagerLifecycleHandler.java:65) at com.cognos.pogo.services.DefaultHandlerService.start(DefaultHandlerService.java:88) at com.cognos.pogo.services.DispatcherServices.startInitialService(DispatcherServices.java:438) at com.cognos.pogo.services.DispatcherServices.startInititalServices(DispatcherServices.java:424) at com.cognos.pogo.transport.PogoServlet$PogoStartup.runWithDispatcherServices(PogoServlet.java:832) at com.cognos.pogo.transport.PogoServlet$PogoStartup.run(PogoServlet.java:814) at com.cognos.pogo.util.threads.SafeThread.safeRun(SafeThread.java:70) at com.cognos.pogo.util.threads.SafeThread.run(SafeThread.java:61) Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (412) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (380) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (376) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (354) in table (CMOBJPROPS7). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (493) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (488) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (412) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (380) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (376) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). ... 18 more Caused by: CM-SYS-5201 Content Manager detected a missing row for objectClass (uploadedFile), with Content Manager ID (354) in table (CMOBJPROPS14). at com.cognos.cm.dbstore.CMDbStoreConsistency.addDetails(CMDbStoreConsistency.java:1293) ... 17 more
23:00:53, CM-SYS-2211 The Content Manager internal consistency check is complete.
I just did a 11.0.0 with IF1 on top of it a week ago with minimal hassle. Its nice to see they are finally prepopulating localhost with server name, makes the install a little easier.
apm - thanks for the heads up. Glad to see ibm is holding to their word that future releases should be seamless for upgrade. I'll be trying in the next couple days.
doing an 11.0.1 to 11.0.3 on a distributed Env... CM will not start.
Support are on the case
so how is 11.0.3 so far from you guys?
Im planning to the install, 11.0.3 base not from a previous version.
So i'll be starting with the latest.
You should be fine with an 11.0.3 fresh install.
caadams - hows your upgrade going w/ dis. environment, was support able to resolve?
Sorry for not replying earlier
OK, 11.0.1 to 11.0.3 upgrade
I have a separate GW Server,
CM & DI are installed in separate folder on their own server.
Once the BSP software (3rd party software) was de-installed from the DI&CM server the upgrade went well, worth nothing that the Content store also gets upgraded so you cant roll the VM image back unless you have a copy of the DB too. After the upgrade I could connect to the dispatcher service on both the CM&DI.
As for the gateway server, the install looked fine, I did have to redo the re-write stuff in IIS, even though I was assured that in 11.0.3 I would need to, all appeared well, SSO worked well, except for one issue, in Sys admin when I go to look at the servers, I get a HTTP 502 error, I'm still working with support on this. I could de-install cognos 11.0.1 and re-install 11.0.3 on the GW, it would have been quicker, but I have to get the upgrade documented for the client..
I suspect that a single server install will have no issues. (unless you have 3rd party software installed)
So to summarise... An over the top install doesn't work !.
Once I removed all 3rd party software the upgrade works well.
I've installed 11.0.3 and upgrades 11.0.1 > 11.03, both fairly painless.
After you have installed/upgraded to 11.0.3 do you see this updated version number on the Splash Screen when you click Help...About? I still see 11.0 but I think I see the new features that come with 11.0.3 such as the Data List container.
I can see the cmplst.txt file now has 11.0.3 but I wanted to check if the splash screen should be updated.
It stays as V11 does not seem to change the splash screen.
I installed 11.0.3 over 11.0.0 version. Attached is what I get when I try to open Cognos.
i dont think 11.0.3 is like a patch or upgrade install.