Hi ,
I have a requirement wherein , i need to sort Category items(x-axis) in a particular order.
For instance, the values that comes up in x-axis should come like, 'Application Registration Pending' in the first bar , 'Interview No Show' in the second bar, 'Application Disposition' in the third bar and so on.
I tried creating a data item with case stmt and applied sorting on categories using this data item, but it throws error when the data item with the case stmt is spplied for sorting in chart, but no validation error:
The 'ces_when' function is not supported in the context in which it is used.
Case stmt:
case when
[Dimensional Layer].[Dim App Status].[Status Type Flag].[App Status]=[Interview No Show]
[Dimensional Layer].[Dim App Status].[Status Type Flag].[App Status]=[Application Disposition SRED]
Please suggest any work around.
I got the solution using the function Caption :)