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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: cognosjon on 26 Oct 2007 03:18:10 AM

Title: [RS] Report Validation Failure Message[Closed]
Post by: cognosjon on 26 Oct 2007 03:18:10 AM
Morning all,

I'm experiencing a very confusing error message that has me baffled ???.
The error appears when I attempt to validate a report, the report will still run ok and I can also see the tabular data without issue.
However when I attempt to validate the report I am greeted with the following error message

GEN-ERR-0011 Pattern 'manyDimensions' is not supported in 'RelationalQueryProvider'.

The report is a simple list query 6 columns and then a line based upon the same query. If I remove the chart the report validates if  I replace the chart and then validate it will fail, but I can run tabular data against the chart with success and as detailed above I can run the report without issue.

I've trawled through the Cognos KB and can find no document that relates directly to this issue, anyone else encountered anything like this and have any suggestions as to what it could be.

Thanks for any suggestions

Title: Re: [RS] Report Validation Failure Message
Post by: Suraj on 26 Oct 2007 11:01:43 AM
Seems like the chart axis values are not aligned for intersection properly.
Chart needs to take care of two dimensions instead of one straight dimension in a list or tabular data result.
Try removing/adding the axis data items one by one and see where it complains.
Title: Re: [RS] Report Validation Failure Message
Post by: cognosjon on 29 Oct 2007 06:28:10 AM
Hi and thanks for the reply,
Sorry I should have detailed that I'd spent some considerable time looking at the chart to ensure that is was being created correctly, it doesn't matter as to which chart I use either which is odd.
I've tried again this morning just make sure its not me doing something daft but I still get the same result.

I've put a support call into Cognos as well so will see where I get with that. I'll keep this topic updated with the progress of that call, though would still appreciate any suggestions from anyone else as its driving me nuts!!!!!! :-\