I have TM1 10.2 and Cognos 10.2 installed on the same server with integrated security 5. Architect is working fine so as TM1 web. When I log in into PM I have the following error - unable to logon to pmpsvc services.
I specified all those paraments in tm1.cgf file:
In fmpscv_config.xml file in TM1 installation folder I specified gateway URI and dispatcher URI.
Also copied all files needed from bi_interop.zip TM1 folder to Cognos installation folder.
Anyways it was all working until yesterday. I am not sure what happened. I know Windows was updated during night time and server was rebooted. Also I am wondering if it a security issue or PM issue.
Thanks for help!
When you startup /pmpsvc for the first time, it opens with a configuration page. (initialize.jsp)
One of the options you select there is a TM1 instance. That choice will then remain the default instance you are trying to login into.
If that instance is down (or removed, renamed or anything like that), you will no longer get in.
Either start the TM1 instance you initially set in the configuration page, or if that is not possible, you need to reconfigure a new default instance.
For that, you need to force the initialize.jsp to work again. To trigger that, open file:
Then remove the adminhost value between the quotes in line <admin_host name="">
Restart the TM1 application service.
Then open /pmpsvc, and it will give you the configuration page again.