Hello All,
I'm new to active reports. Can anyone please confirm whether Javascript is supported in Active Reports.
If yes can u please provide some example or some related document on the same.
Quote from: abhinadig on 20 Jun 2016 09:17:17 PM
Hello All,
I'm new to active reports. Can anyone please confirm whether Javascript is supported in Active Reports.
If yes can u please provide some example or some related document on the same.
Why do you need JavaScript? What is it your report needs to do that you can't figure out using inbuilt technology?
We have a requirement where the user should be able to select a data range and based on this data needs to be shown on chart for these dates selected.
Can u please give some example or hint on how this can be achieved.
Quote from: abhinadig on 21 Jun 2016 09:33:07 PM
We have a requirement where the user should be able to select a data range and based on this data needs to be shown on chart for these dates selected.
Can u please give some example or hint on how this can be achieved.
If you're using a chart, then a data deck driven by the selected data item is the way to go. Alternatively, if you're using a visualization, you can filter the visualization based on the selected value.
For example if the user selects 1 June 2016 then in chart all the dates greater than 1 June 2016 shouldbe displayed.
For this we have a period column containing dates. So if the user selects 1 June 2016 then in chart it should show Period >= 1 June 2016 data.
I hope i'm clear with my requirement now :)
Quote from: abhinadig on 22 Jun 2016 07:17:18 AM
For example if the user selects 1 June 2016 then in chart all the dates greater than 1 June 2016 shouldbe displayed.
For this we have a period column containing dates. So if the user selects 1 June 2016 then in chart it should show Period >= 1 June 2016 data.
I hope i'm clear with my requirement now :)
I think if I was doing this I would be using a visualization and filtering it based on date. For the date selection I would use a Data Discrete Values Slider.
Thanks a lot for us help.
I tired downloading visualization bundles but analyticszone site is not working. Has the site changed. If yes can u please help with new site details.
Quote from: abhinadig on 24 Jun 2016 03:50:06 AM
Thanks a lot for us help.
I tired downloading visualization bundles but analyticszone site is not working. Has the site changed. If yes can u please help with new site details.
IBM have moved the visualizations to the DeveloperWorks site. Their new home is here:
Thanks a lot