I have a Transformer model that has 4 cubes, say A,B,C & D. C & D are under one cube group and D is disabled.
I'm building the cubes using batch scripts with cognos transformer command line options as below -
Batch_1 builds cube A
Batch_2 builds cube B
same Batch_2 script is used to build cubes c & D which is a cube group , like I mentioned above D is disabled
There is a Batch_3 which runs after mid-day data load and it rebuilds cube B again.
I observed that even though I'm executing any one of the Batach scripts, I can see 3 cubes - A.mdc,B.mdc and C.mdc
Also, most of the times cube build is successful.However, it ocassionally fails with TR0787 cube lock error. I could not figure out the reason why there is a lock.
Quote from: raj_aries81 on 15 Jun 2016 11:40:43 PM
I have a Transformer model that has 4 cubes, say A,B,C & D. C & D are under one cube group and D is disabled.
I'm building the cubes using batch scripts with cognos transformer command line options as below -
Batch_1 builds cube A
Batch_2 builds cube B
same Batch_2 script is used to build cubes c & D which is a cube group , like I mentioned above D is disabled
There is a Batch_3 which runs after mid-day data load and it rebuilds cube B again.
I observed that even though I'm executing any one of the Batach scripts, I can see 3 cubes - A.mdc,B.mdc and C.mdc
Also, most of the times cube build is successful.However, it ocassionally fails with TR0787 cube lock error. I could not figure out the reason why there is a lock.
Even if I specify the cube name in the command line looks like Transformer is building all the cubes defined in the model. Is there a way to overide this behaviour.
Building one cube does not delete any existing cubes.
See my reply to your other (borderline duplicate) post on building an individual cube.
http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,30924.0.html (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,30924.0.html)
For the lock, are you using the -g option and have set up cube activation within Transformer? If not and the cube is in use, you will get a lock error.
I'm using the below command to build it with -g, but still it fails with the lock error
cogtr -n -c -nologo -dlogfilename="logfilename" -g"cubename" -m"modelpath"
Quote from: bdbits on 16 Jun 2016 09:26:34 AM
Building one cube does not delete any existing cubes.
See my reply to your other (borderline duplicate) post on building an individual cube.
http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,30924.0.html (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,30924.0.html)
For the lock, are you using the -g option and have set up cube activation within Transformer? If not and the cube is in use, you will get a lock error.
Did you set up the deployment and activation within Transformer?
* If not, and Cognos has the cube open, you will get an error.
* If you do set it up, Cognos will deploy then allow any open queries to complete on the "old" version and will use the new build for incoming queries.
Quote from: bdbits on 17 Jun 2016 12:41:21 PM
Did you set up the deployment and activation within Transformer?
* If not, and Cognos has the cube open, you will get an error.
* If you do set it up, Cognos will deploy then allow any open queries to complete on the "old" version and will use the new build for incoming queries.
Thanks bdbits, let me check if that option is enabled. I want to get my head around the below questions.Havent used command line options extensively before.
1) As per the user guide -g option Copies new versions of cubes to deployment locations and activates the newer versions.
Do I still have to enable that in the Transformer.
2) Is there a command line option to include cube name and build that specific cube which is not a part of Cube Group.
Thanks again bdbits.
Quote from: raj_aries81 on 17 Jun 2016 06:57:04 PM
Thanks bdbits, let me check if that option is enabled. I want to get my head around the below questions.Havent used command line options extensively before.
1) As per the user guide -g option Copies new versions of cubes to deployment locations and activates the newer versions.
Do I still have to enable that in the Transformer.
2) Is there a command line option to include cube name and build that specific cube which is not a part of Cube Group.
Thanks again bdbits.
Hi All,
Any inputs pls..do let me know if there is an option to invoke (build) only one cube at a time. The rationale of using the same model for building multipe cubes is they share the same dimensions and I dont want to create and maintain multle mdl/py? files.