Hi there, I have the following error msg associated with a failed reconcile. Please let me know where these settings are adjusted or any other means of making the reconcile complete. Much appreciated.
Source: JobExecutor_73.Executor.StartNextJobItem
Error Number: -2147220185
Line Number: 450
Description: Unable to execute Job Item
The call to 'Reconcile_%v.Implementation.Execute' took 1 hour, 9 minutes, 25.453 seconds, but it should execute in less than 30 minutes. You need to improve performance for the RECONCILE Job Item or increase the 'Wait this long to see if RUNNING Job Items complete' setting.
try to increase the initial pagefile size of the server to a larger amount like 8GB.
Have you tried running the GTP again? It should pick up that there is an incomplete reconcile.
As for settings, set aspmaxrequestentity in the iis system.xml to 4GB (there's a value about 4 lines above it that you can cut and paste)
You'll also see reconcile fail if there was a network or other issue that prevented the job item from marking the status of the job item into the database. Then you have to wait the timeout limit for the job process to know that something didn't complete.
thanks for your post prav, am looking at your suggestion now with our server people.
thankyou too SomeClown, we have tried the GTP again but to no avail, and am looking at your suggestion with the iis system.xml doc now. Can you please advise where this document resides?
hi prav, it seems we cannot increase the pagefile size due to only having 3.5 GB Ram, on Windows Server Std edition. i don't suppose you have any other ideas on how i may resolve my reconciliation problem?
C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\metabase.xml (mis-spoke earlier on the specific name)
AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed can set to 4294967295
Not sure how you would get the failed reconcile out of there. Probably best to try support and see what they can give you.
Oh, and almost forgot - you may have to enable the Edit metabase option in IIS (IIS admin, properties of the server itself I think). Otherwise, IIS won't allow you to save changes if it's running, etc.
Quote from: cwarren on 24 Oct 2007 10:15:56 PM
hi prav, it seems we cannot increase the pagefile size due to only having 3.5 GB Ram, on Windows Server Std edition. i don't suppose you have any other ideas on how i may resolve my reconciliation problem?
my mistake, i was using windows 2003 enterprise which allows me to have larger page file, on 2003 std edition the max page file is 4096 MB.
Hello cwarren,
You will want to increase the "Wait this long to see if RUNNING Job Items complete" in the epJobExecutorResources.xml on all of your job servers file located in the <install directory>:/Program Files/Cognos/Cer4/bin/mts from 1800 to 3600.
You will also need to recycle the Planning73 component as well as the EP service.
Did you have a look at the process with the epDebugTool?