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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: petercah on 09 Jun 2016 06:48:11 AM

Title: Adding Custom Images to Reports
Post by: petercah on 09 Jun 2016 06:48:11 AM

I am evaluating Cognos 11 in test environment and am having an issue resolving image URLs.

I added my client company logos etc. to the standard ../samples/images/ folder as per previous instances of Cognos. However, when I try to access a 'custom' image, the URL cannot be resolved. The really frustrating thing is that the standard IBM provided images via sample packages etc. can be resolved.

I have checked the permissions configurations against the 'custom' images vs. an IBM provided image and ensured that all permissions are consistent. Still not able to access the images. Attempting to access the image via browser results in 'Error 404: javax.servlet.ServletException: SRVE0190E: File not found:'

Has anyone else managed to add their own custom images to the server as yet, and if so how was it done? Would be much appreciated.

Title: Re: Adding Custom Images to Reports
Post by: MFGF on 10 Jun 2016 02:58:05 AM
Quote from: petercah on 09 Jun 2016 06:48:11 AM

I am evaluating Cognos 11 in test environment and am having an issue resolving image URLs.

I added my client company logos etc. to the standard ../samples/images/ folder as per previous instances of Cognos. However, when I try to access a 'custom' image, the URL cannot be resolved. The really frustrating thing is that the standard IBM provided images via sample packages etc. can be resolved.

I have checked the permissions configurations against the 'custom' images vs. an IBM provided image and ensured that all permissions are consistent. Still not able to access the images. Attempting to access the image via browser results in 'Error 404: javax.servlet.ServletException: SRVE0190E: File not found:'

Has anyone else managed to add their own custom images to the server as yet, and if so how was it done? Would be much appreciated.


Hi Peter,

I know your frustration here all too well - I went through exactly the same! The key to solving this is in finding out that the samples\images folder is in a different location in Cognos Analytics! Drop your custom images into the webcontent\bi\samples\images folder, and you can then refer to them as ../samples/images/<your image name> in your reports. The bi subfolder is easy to miss when you have spent the last decade or so looking directly under webcontent :)


Title: Re: Adding Custom Images to Reports
Post by: petercah on 10 Jun 2016 09:58:28 AM
D'oh!  :)

Thanks for that. Feel rather silly now. I went well past the point of rational thinking yesterday.