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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Data Modules => Topic started by: Riggerz on 03 Jun 2016 04:14:20 AM

Title: Unusual behaviour when trying to use Data Module
Post by: Riggerz on 03 Jun 2016 04:14:20 AM
Hi folks,

I'm looking for guidance (and possibly a sanity check!) on using Data Modules in a Report. Business Intelligence was recently introduced to our organisation when Cognos 10 landed on our desks. I only managed to get a fundamental understanding of it's use when we 'upgraded' to Cognos Analytics, so now I'm trying to apply what I'd already learned..... and struggling!

Unfortunately I can't access our the data stored Data Warehouse just yet, so uploading external data files and loading them into a Data Module seemed like an idea interim solution. I can successfully create a new Data Module and build the required Relationships but when I try to use it in a Report it doesn't behave as I expect......

The first thing I noticed was that once a Data Item had been used in a Report Object, and quite rightly appears in the Data Items list under the associated Query, it can't be re-used from the Query in subsequent Report Objects, even though they are using the same Query. I recall from my brief time using Packages in Cognos 10 that this was possible? Certainly all the help documentation I've read suggests it is and that it's often essential in complex reports.

Adding the same Data Item from the Source list does work but the Query gets another Data Item with the same name appended with a number, clearly two Data Items with identical names would cause chaos. Following this I tried to edit the Query in order to thin out the multiple Data Items it now contained but it appears I can't - the 'Edit' option is greyed out. From my understanding this also makes filtering challenging, if not impossible?

To add insult to injury, despite the above issues reports using Data Modules I've created actually run fine. I'm not sure whether this is an installation / set-up issue, an Analytics bug or my lack of understanding but hope someone out there with more experience than me can help?!?

Title: Re: Unusual behaviour when trying to use Data Module
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 22 Jun 2016 05:21:56 PM
Hi Riggerz,

Data modules are very new additions to Cognos Analytics and is not very well evolved to cater re-usability for developers.

Also, it appears that data modules are more focused towards adhoc report authors and not for advanced authoring. I think what is annoying you is, you are expecting all the features of advanced authoring in this new add-on as well. IBM will improve this in future.

IBM has provided a new release of Analytics, on May 26. Have you tried that? This may have some additional features for you.

Title: Re: Unusual behaviour when trying to use Data Module
Post by: MFGF on 23 Jun 2016 02:18:04 AM
Quote from: Rahul Ganguli on 22 Jun 2016 05:21:56 PM
IBM will improve this in future.

Just to clarify, we're not making any assertions, promises or guarantees on IBM's behalf here. What I think Rahul means is we hope IBM will improve this in future.

Using Data Modules in reports is not quite the same experience as using packages - the functionality you get is more limited. You can't get to the query to add/edit items, you can't add query calculations etc. You're not going mad and there's nothing wrong with your installation - this is just how things are. We are hoping IBM decide to add more functionality to make the experience of using data modules in reports on a par with packages, but whether they do or not is really their decision. IBM has a Request For Enhancement (RFE) website that they are paying much more attention to since the introduction of Cognos Analytics. It's worth adding a request on here if it doesn't already exist (or adding your vote if it does).


Title: Re: Unusual behaviour when trying to use Data Module
Post by: Rahul Ganguli on 23 Jun 2016 05:56:43 AM
Thanks MFGF for rectifying my statement :).
Yes, I meant "hope"of improvement ;).

Title: Re: Unusual behaviour when trying to use Data Module
Post by: Riggerz on 28 Jun 2016 05:08:21 AM
Hi Rahul,

Thanks for your reply. You're absolutely right, I was expecting the same functionality when using Data Modules as when using Packages - fingers crossed this will come with future releases (or even better I get some Packages from our Data Warehouse and don't need to use them any more!).

And MF, thanks for the sanity check - it's a relief to hear that it's nothing I'm doing wrong and that our installation isn't broken! I'll head over to the RFE site and see what the score is.....

