Hopefully this helps someone else.
There are a large number of documents that suggest a resolution to this issue. Unfortunately none of them seemed to help me.
Listed below are some of the changes I made:
- unset the JAVA_HOME variable in my environment variables so Cognos picks up the java from it's installation - with the Config Manager GUI active press Ctrl+F3 to verify.
- I uninstalled and reinstalled a number of times
- changed from 64bit to 32bit server install
- changed from 10.2.2 to 10.2.1 then tried all the way down to 8.2 but 8.2 won't install on Windows 10
- changed the location from C:\Program Files\...etc to C:\ibm\cognos\... etc to remove any spaces in the path
- changed from WebSphere Liberty Profile to tomcat and upped the max memory to 2048
- always start Configuration Manager as Administrator
All for no joy. Then I found a mention of using the startup and shutdown batch files in the
installlocation/bin64 directory. Whilst this is not an ideal solution and not something I would do on a client site, the running of these scripts in conjunction with a "start" in Config Manager got me going well enough for me to do my Demonstrations.
Happy Reporting