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Planning & Consolidation => COGNOS Planning => Topic started by: CharlieTriangle on 21 Apr 2016 06:06:45 AM

Title: Cognos EP Migration Top Ten Tips E-Book
Post by: CharlieTriangle on 21 Apr 2016 06:06:45 AM
Cognos EP Migration - Ten Top Tips

Cognos Enterprise Planning Top Ten Tips is a resource document which will help you, whether you are migrating backwards in to Excel, sideways in to Anaplan or onwards in to Planning Analytics, you should find something useful in the resource document Triangle Information Management have put together.

These Tips are a practical expression of our Step 1,2,3 approach to any sort of data migration.

Whatever your source system, Step 1 is always the same – get your basic documentation into shape.  We call it a 'Health check' but it's basically sound advice to document your existing system in clear and concise language.

Step 2 and you start using the 'Top 10 Tips' and more to start getting your model tidied up and ready for migration.

This leaves a relatively risk free Step 3 which is your actual migration.

I have tried to address practical issues in a light-hearted way as I know the frustration that can arise from getting bogged down in the mire.  Hopefully I can make you laugh in the face of adversity or, at the very least, reduce your stress levels.

Download the E-Book here: