Using Cognos 10.2.2 on AIX and looking for the Trigger.sh in the dispatcher cognos_root_folder/webapps/utilities/trigger and cant seem to find it ?
Trigger.sh will be available on gateway server installation.
Thanks you are correct, Trigger.sh lives on the gateway.
When I attempt to execute ./Trigger.sh on the gateway I receive /bin/7.0//bin/java not found.
I tried doing an export JAVA_HOME=/apps/cognos/v1022/bin64/jre/7.0/lib/ext but same error
Any ideas ?
You have to make same changes in trigger.sh file as well. you have to set java path there as well.
though, im not sure if this is correct "JAVA_HOME=/apps/cognos/v1022/bin64/jre/7.0/lib/ext "