I put the same message in the old Transformer section, sorry if it's a dupe.
We use batch files to build and publish cubes. We have a seperate command to do each (bld/pub). We are on, I'm trying to override the value for the Data Source Windows Location. I thought I found what I was looking for in (http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSEP7J_10.2.0/com.ibm.swg.ba.cognos.ug_cogtr.10.2.0.doc/r_publishbatch.html%23PublishBatch) where to use the -f DataSourceWindowsLocation command, but when I try it I get this error: Invalid command line parameter -fDataSourceWindowsLocation=\\servername.somewhere.com\cognos\PowerPlayCubes\c10\test_cube.mdc
The entire command that we are sending is the following:
cogtr.exe -n2 -ox -ju test_cube -r4 -dLogFileName=test_cube_20160420094224.log -DLogFileAppend=TRUE -fDataSourceWindowsLocation=\\servername.somewhere.com\cognos\PowerPlayCubes\c10\test_cube.mdc -l"Corp LDAP"=ID/password "\\servername.somewhere.com\PowerPlayModels\testtest_cube.pyj"
The value that I have in the -fDataSourceWindowsLocation is the same one that we have in the pyj's Data Source > Windows Location line. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
The -f option specifies a link to an xml file which in turn contains XML items for the parameters you want to use. There is some explanation of this in the parent topic, linked at the bottom of that page.
thanks I have tried creating am xml file and using -f, but it does not seem to use the windows location that is in the XML file. we are on and about to go to 10.2.2. I saw two different information about what should be in the XML file (I only included 4 total lines in the file) and I tried both (see below). Do I need more lines in the file?
here is the command line that we are using
cogtr.exe -n2 -ox -ju cubename -r4 -dLogFileName=cubename.log -DLogFileAppend=TRUE -fD:\TranformerWindowsLocation\cubename.xml -l"Corp LDAP"=id/password "\\server\PowerPlayModels\cubename.pyj"
<Command Name="Publish">
<Preference Name="CubeName" Value="actualcubename"/>
<Preference Name="DataSourceWindowsLocation" Value="\\server.qcorpaa.aa.com\Cognos\PowerPlayCubes\cubename.mdc"/>
<Command Name="Publish">
<Parameter Name="CubeName" Value="actualcubename"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceWindowsLocation" Value="\\server.qcorpaa.aa.com\Cognos\PowerPlayCubes\cubename.mdc"/>
Does this apply to you? Maybe you need to specify those options.
"If you want to re-publish a cube that was originally published using the command line, you can do this using either the Cognos Transformer user interface or the command line after changing the DataSourceUpdate and PackageUpdate parameters in the publish specification file to TRUE."
I was going to mention that I do not know if UNCs are supported for -f, but in your latest post it looks like you fixed that.
thanks, I've been so busy I have not yet tried this. I think I have to have all of the lines below and not just a few of them. that is my next attempt.
<Command Name="Publish">
<Parameter Name="CubeName" Value="NATIONAL"/>
<Parameter Name="CognosConnectionDataSourceName" Value="NATIONAL"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceWindowsLocation" Value="c:\test\cube.mdc"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceUnixLinuxLocation" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceNameSpace" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="ReadCacheSize" Value="0"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceSignon" Value="FALSE"/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceDescription" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceToolTip" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="DataSourceUpdate" Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageName" Value="NATIONAL"/>
<Parameter Name="Packagelocation" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="PackageDescription" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="PackageToolTip" Value=""/>
<Parameter Name="PackageUpdate Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageAllowNullSuppression" Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageAllowMultiEdgeSuppression" Value="TRUE"/>
<Parameter Name="PackageAllowAccessToSuppressionOptions" Value="TRUE"/>