I've a new C10.2.1 installation that I have to connect to an MSSQL d/b that runs on another machine.
On my C10 machine I've defined in the System DNS an ODBC connection that works (at the end of the definition there is a "test" button and it say the connection to the d/b works successfully).
Then I'm in the C10 Admin and I've defined a New Connection using the normal ODBC type:
- As ODBC connection I choose the name o the ODBC just defined
- As UserId & Password I entered the same that I use in the working ODBC
- Then I test the Cogos Connection and it fails
Any suggestion/idea ?
While creating data source at cognos admin...check with option of sql odbc instead of simply odbc...
Thanks for the reply, I've already tried normal ODBC and also SQL ODBC....same result
finally I SOLVED IT..... it was related to 64-32 bit
Both the Servers (Cognos and MS SQL) are at 64 bit but for some reason the Administrative Tool -> Configuration of Cognos is using the 32 bit ODBC so I defined the same ODBC but using "odbcad32.exe" instead of the normal ODBC definition available in Control Panel and the Cognos Connection was OK !!
Thanks & rgds
Yea....when you use CQM mode in cognos you have to create DSN in 32 bit odbc administrator tool. When you want to use DQM mode you may use 64 bit odbc administrator tool.
Quote from: sunosoft on 15 Apr 2016 04:29:45 AM
Yea....when you use CQM mode in cognos you have to create DSN in 32 bit odbc administrator tool. When you want to use DQM mode you may use 64 bit odbc administrator tool.
Ummm, not quite the case, sadly. DQM access is via JDBC only, so there's no option to use 64-bit ODBC connections at all.
hmm...JDBC for DQM....sorry I forgot..