Hi All,
env is cognos 10.2.2 . I am getting error while running a reports as " PRS-REQ-0760 The operation "/" "" "xts.run" is invalid "
We are using apache as webserver.
Tried this http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21584625
but unable to find web.config file in the c10/cgi-bin/
Kindly suggest.
The link is for an IIS web server with Cognos installed on windows, as your using Apache I'm guessing your on Linux of some sort, so it wont help unfortunately. I haven't got a web.config file in my 10.2.2 Linux installs.
Have you been able to run report successfully before or is this a new install and its the first time you tried to run a report?
If it worked before whats changed?
If its never worked have you checked you have the correct bitness (32 or 64) of the gateway files for your web server, and what changes did you make to the apache http.conf file to get it working?
It was working before. Not made any changes. Still looking into it. Will keep you posted.