I want to design the attached list report layout as it is.. Please guide me the steps how to do it... ASAP
Quote from: srinivas.maddi on 12 Apr 2016 01:08:18 PM
I want to design the attached list report layout as it is.. Please guide me the steps how to do it... ASAP
Step 1: Review the forum etiquette post (http://www.cognoise.com/index.php/topic,24030.0.html), paying particular attention to point 1c and 2. It would be useful to mention what aspect you are having difficulty with.
Step 2: Review the user guide that is applicable for the version you are using. I would provide a link but you didn't mention your version. There are a few people posting to incorrect forums lately so I am not certain if yours falls into that category or not. The steps will be quite different between Cognos Analytics and Cognos 10.x.
Step 3: Consider training as the best way to get versed in product functionality. It is well worth the time and money.
Step 4: Make an attempt at building your report and then use the forum to ask specific questions that members might be able to assist with.
Good job, Lynn. I think you should be our next moderator. :D
Honestly, I wonder what some people are thinking when they post. It looks like zero effort was put into even looking at a user guide.
Quote from: bdbits on 13 Apr 2016 03:37:52 PM
Good job, Lynn. I think you should be our next moderator. :D
Honestly, I wonder what some people are thinking when they post. It looks like zero effort was put into even looking at a user guide.
I think you guys are doing the moderating just fine!