1. Select the chart object.
2. To apply a preset background fill effect, from the report object toolbar, click the
Background effects presets icon .
It's been given in the report studio user guide but um not getting any icon in the toolbar on selecting chart object, but chart palette preset icon is there.
Any help....!!
Were you able to find presets?? BTW nice DP.
but it's been written there in report studio document.....!! :(
i hope it will gonna fix in next releases or fix packs.
Quote from: Mfg on 13 Apr 2016 08:35:40 AM
but it's been written there in report studio document.....!! :(
i hope it will gonna fix in next releases or fix packs.
But there isn't a Report Studio in Cognos Analytics?
I mean Reporting 11.0.0 ya.... 8)
Quote from: Mfg on 14 Apr 2016 06:43:02 AM
Add background effects to a chart
Background effects include borders, fills, drop shadows, and images.
Click the chart object.
To apply a preset background fill effect, from the report object toolbar, click the Background effects presets icon.
In the Properties pane, under Color & background, double-click the Background effects property.
Select one or more of the following:
To apply a border, click Border and specify settings for border style, width, color, corner radius for rounded rectangles, and transparency.
If the element also includes a fill with a transparency setting, select the Allow transparent bleed check box to apply the same transparency to the border.
To apply a fill effect, click Fill and specify the settings. The fill effect can either be a solid color, a gradient, or a pattern. You can define a gradient fill effect as a linear, radial line, or radial rectangle gradient.
To apply a drop shadow effect, click Drop shadow and specify the shadow color, transparency value, color, and offset settings. The default horizontal and vertical offset is 5 pixels.
To specify one or more images as a background, click Images. You can specify the transparency value and the position for each defined image. You can also specify a custom position for each image.
Tip: To remove the effect, clear its check box.
Hey guys,
Upgrade to IBM Cognos Analytics 11.0.1
Most of the problems will be solved as this Background effects presets.
Still some of em are there like 'Use Embedded Data' property for visualization.
Cheers...!! 8)