how to i setup email server on cognos 8 i am getting the error
Option 1: 1. [ ERROR ] The mail server cannot be reached.
votes: 0
Option 2: McAfee 8.5 is installed but the email rule for port 25 is disabled.
votes: 1
can any body answer my questions
did any body got this problem please let me know
thank you in advance
Can you please supply the full error message from the crnserver.log or cogserver.log file?
How is the SMTP server setup in Cognos Configuration? Make sure the IP address is used not DNS and ensure you are using an Administrator level account for the userid/pwd combination, although the installation instructions specify any valid user can be used, it has been my experience that that is not the case.
try to disable the firewall and do a test for the cognos configuration for the mail server.