Cognos 10.2.2, when importing package, the task can never finish, it is pending with "executing" step.
Issue only happened in one of my env, there is no any special installation on Windows.
Step: Cognos Administration -> Configuration -> content Admin -> import
By the way, when I checked the cogserver.log, I have some failure like below, I am not sure it related:
CM-REQ-4342 An error occurred with the client.
CM-REQ-4033 The attribute "maxObjects" is invalid.
Quote from: Eag. E on 23 Mar 2016 04:06:16 AM
Cognos 10.2.2, when importing package, the task can never finish, it is pending with "executing" step.
Issue only happened in one of my env, there is no any special installation on Windows.
Step: Cognos Administration -> Configuration -> content Admin -> import
By the way, when I checked the cogserver.log, I have some failure like below, I am not sure it related:
CM-REQ-4342 An error occurred with the client.
CM-REQ-4033 The attribute "maxObjects" is invalid.
It's difficult to say what the issue could be here. Is this with all deployment imports or just a specific one? Can you export successfully?
The error you posted appears to be this: