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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Universe1418 on 22 Mar 2016 07:21:17 AM

Title: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: Universe1418 on 22 Mar 2016 07:21:17 AM

I would like to pass a value to a Data Drop Down List so that it will show the same value selected by a user in a previous deck however when I'm trying to do this, it always just show the first item in the data drop down list. is it possible to accomplish this?

Flow of the process is:

Deck 1
- Select a Country (USA) from list and show deck 2
- it will pass the Region & Country value of the selection where Region = NORAM and Countries are (USA, Canada)

Deck 2
- Data Drop Down List must show that it selected (USA) and the user may still see (Canada) in the data drop down list

Hoping that someone can share there thoughts on this. Thank You!
Title: Re: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: MFGF on 22 Mar 2016 08:48:11 AM
Quote from: Universe1418 on 22 Mar 2016 07:21:17 AM

I would like to pass a value to a Data Drop Down List so that it will show the same value selected by a user in a previous deck however when I'm trying to do this, it always just show the first item in the data drop down list. is it possible to accomplish this?

Flow of the process is:

Deck 1
- Select a Country (USA) from list and show deck 2
- it will pass the Region & Country value of the selection where Region = NORAM and Countries are (USA, Canada)

Deck 2
- Data Drop Down List must show that it selected (USA) and the user may still see (Canada) in the data drop down list

Hoping that someone can share there thoughts on this. Thank You!


Sounds like you need to set the Region (NORAM) into a variable, and use this to filter the Data Drop Down List?


Title: Re: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: Universe1418 on 22 Mar 2016 01:01:41 PM
Quote from: MFGF on 22 Mar 2016 08:48:11 AM

Sounds like you need to set the Region (NORAM) into a variable, and use this to filter the Data Drop Down List?



Hi MF,

I did set the Region (NORAM) as Variable Values and use also the variable as part of the container filter however what happen is that:

1. When I select a country (US) and move to 2nd deck
2. The first item in the data drop down list is selected (Canada) in 2nd deck
3. I select the (US) country in data drop down list in 2nd deck and go back to 1st deck to try changing country again via List
4. Select (Canada) and move to 2nd deck again but the data drop down list retains the selection of (US) wherein it should be (Canada) already

I also tried adding (Country) container selection in the 2nd deck data drop down list but it does not help.

Your advice is much appreciated. Thank You!
Title: Re: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: MFGF on 23 Mar 2016 04:28:04 AM
Quote from: Universe1418 on 22 Mar 2016 01:01:41 PM
Hi MF,

I did set the Region (NORAM) as Variable Values and use also the variable as part of the container filter however what happen is that:

1. When I select a country (US) and move to 2nd deck
2. The first item in the data drop down list is selected (Canada) in 2nd deck
3. I select the (US) country in data drop down list in 2nd deck and go back to 1st deck to try changing country again via List
4. Select (Canada) and move to 2nd deck again but the data drop down list retains the selection of (US) wherein it should be (Canada) already

I also tried adding (Country) container selection in the 2nd deck data drop down list but it does not help.

Your advice is much appreciated. Thank You!

Have you tried using <ctrl><shift>D when running the report to enable debug mode? You can then right-click and see the variable values - you should be able to see using this what values the variables are set to, then hopefully this will lead you to the issue.


Title: Re: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: Universe1418 on 23 Mar 2016 05:42:24 AM
Quote from: MFGF on 23 Mar 2016 04:28:04 AM
Have you tried using <ctrl><shift>D when running the report to enable debug mode? You can then right-click and see the variable values - you should be able to see using this what values the variables are set to, then hopefully this will lead you to the issue.



Hi MF,

I did your suggestion also to verify if my variables are following the passed parameters and it does, It just happen that the data drop down list does not refresh itself to show the active variable but when you click it to see the list all expected values are there. It is really weird as this does not happen on normal report studio reports. :(

Title: Re: Active Report: Pass value in Data Drop Down List
Post by: Universe1418 on 28 Mar 2016 02:14:21 AM

It seems that my Region is not refreshing correctly in the data drop down list even though it is passed and shows in parameters, I removed the filter by region and retain country. Now it shows correctly on every selection.

It is still an issue but at least able to find a work around.