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IBM Cognos 10 Platform => Cognos 10 BI => Active Reports => Topic started by: Universe1418 on 18 Mar 2016 07:53:03 AM

Title: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: Universe1418 on 18 Mar 2016 07:53:03 AM

I have this active report requirement to filter a dynamic map visual by manager name from a data drop down list which has team members from different countries however the dynamic map only allow container selection.

Is this possible to accomplish? Thanks!

Best Regards,
Title: Re: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: sukanya on 18 May 2016 05:24:06 AM
Did anyone have an answer for this. How to filter a dynamic map in cognos11.

Title: Re: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: sukanya on 20 May 2016 02:19:16 PM
We can do this by using Data Deck. Select data deck and use master detail to filter the map.
Title: Re: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: Joscha on 06 Jun 2016 04:55:39 AM
I had the same problem, and solved it by using the RAVE-visualization map. You will have to embedd your coordinates first using the Cognos visualization customizer. This is tricky, but it is worth it: the RAVE map works perfectly fine for me. Container Filters can be set, and the performance is much better than with the "old" dynamic maps...
Title: Re: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: banvesh on 22 Jun 2016 11:42:33 AM

I have a requirement where I have different names for districts such as MidWest TN and Northeast TN and Alabama.
In regular chart we can define in the dictionary properties, but how can I do this in RAVE Dynamic Map.
How should I relate them to a dynamic map using coordinates in RAVE?


Title: Re: Active Report: Filter Dynamic Map
Post by: Joscha on 01 Jul 2016 03:24:13 AM
To customize the RAVE map, you need to embedd geometric coordinates in GeoJSON-Format. To relate your data to the geometrics, you will have to set a name for every district. Take a look at a GeoJSON example (like this ( to understand what I mean.

I would also recommend to have a look at the attached example, a customized map of the USA (all credits to user Papave). This one helped me a lot.