Hello Cognoise,
Is there any way to send an alert email to the user(s) if the cognos services are down? When I say cognos services are down (latency), it means the cognos connection doesn't load faster OR
cannot open the report in the report studio OR
cannot navigate through the content in the public folder etc.
I believe someone among us must have encountered the same requirement. If anyone has implemented the solution, I'd greatly appreciate if you can share me the steps OR ideas.
Thanks you
Cognos is not having in built functionality to send such alters. But yeah you can have some batch scripts to monitor your cognos service on server and send alert if its down. You can just Google it for batch scripts to monitor windows services.
Thanks for your response. I really appreciate it.
Sorry if I wasn't clear enough. When the Cognos services are down, it doesn't shut down. Having said that, if we write a batch script to monitor "Cognos Services" it would always show as "Running" unless the application is completely shut down.
If the cognos services are consuming lot of server resources, then loading of the cognos web pages is really slow and sometimes it would throw an error saying "page cannot be displayed". I'd would like to get send an email alert (automated) if something like this happens.
As of now, normally if Cognos is consuming lot of resources, I'd just login into the server and check for any BiBus exceeding 2GB threshold and kill it.
I'd really appreciate if anyone can share their ideas.
Thank you
In that case try another script to monitor your cognos URL response time. Some script which will check response time of cognos rul and send you alert if it does not receive response within some specified time mentioned in script.
You can use dotcom-monitor or similar services to alert based in web page response times.... And you can look at logmeister to get alerts based on cpu, memory or process memory thresholds
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