I am trying to drill-through from a source report to a target report. I created a target report (list) with two parameters. After that I created a source report (crosstab) and created a new drill-through definition for Crosstab fact Cells. For Report I selected my target report. For method (in Parameters) I selected Pass data item value and then selected a value. I am able to run this report but when I click on the cell that is supposed to take me to another report I have an error "This feature is not available in this version". In the properties drill-through is enable. Did anybody else have this problem?
Relational data base, Cognos Analytics 11.
Thank you!
Quote from: Victoria on 24 Feb 2016 08:36:42 PM
I am trying to drill-through from a source report to a target report. I created a target report (list) with two parameters. After that I created a source report (crosstab) and created a new drill-through definition for Crosstab fact Cells. For Report I selected my target report. For method (in Parameters) I selected Pass data item value and then selected a value. I am able to run this report but when I click on the cell that is supposed to take me to another report I have an error "This feature is not available in this version". In the properties drill-through is enable. Did anybody else have this problem?
Relational data base, Cognos Analytics 11.
Thank you!
To get drill-through to work currently, you will need to turn off interactivity in the report viewer - for both source and target reports. To do this, select any item in your report, open the Properties pane, and use the Ancestor button to select the very top level - called Report. In the properties of the Report you will find one called "Run with full interactivity" - currently set to Yes:
Change this to No in both reports and your drill-through will work.
Hopping in this thread as I am experiencing similar issue...
SQL Server 2014 (I think)
Source report is Dimensional (DMR), Target is Relational. Both reports were converted from 10.2.2.
In source report's drill definition, I have the parameter for the clicked value on the report to pass the Data Item Value's Business Key, however the target report is getting the entire MUN. Another attempt, I have added a data item to the layout that uses roleValue('_businessKey',[item]) but that too seems to get the whole MUN shipped over. 3rd attempt I used Member Caption as value to pass, still sending the MUN to the target.
Any ideas? Figured I'd check here before logging a PMR.
Just checked in the old 10.2.2 environment, and this setup works fine there. :(
TIA... Mark
I've seen this before, in version 8. The solution should be a fix from IBM, but I think I was able to get around it. Try doing converting the key like: roleValue()*1 or member(roleValue(),'key','key',[cube].[measures])
I wish I had a better resolution, but I resolved my issue by adding a 2nd drill-through definition. Once I had 2 defined, the original drill definition now worked! For kicks, I removed the new definition... the original drill stopped working again. Finally, I removed the original, leaving only the new drill, and it worked as intended all by it's lonesome self.
This hurts my brain and I'm going to resent you for this for the rest of the day.
I tried the same work around but it worked partially,
I have 2 charts in my report. When I change the full interactive mode value to be No, it works well with one bar chart but does not work with the other one. It changes the mouse pointer when i hover on the other bar graph but does not open the drill through report.
Whereas, if i change the value back to yes, i can drill through using the new process on both the charts.
Am i doing something wrong?