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IBM Cognos Analytics Platform => Cognos Analytics => Reporting => Topic started by: Victoria on 24 Feb 2016 08:36:42 PM

Title: Drill-through
Post by: Victoria on 24 Feb 2016 08:36:42 PM

I am trying to drill-through from a source report to a target report. I created a target report (list) with two parameters. After that I created a source report (crosstab) and created a new drill-through definition for Crosstab fact Cells. For Report I selected my target report. For method (in Parameters) I selected Pass data item value and then selected a value. I am able to run this report but when I click on the cell that is supposed to take me to another report I have an error "This feature is not available in this version". In the properties drill-through is enable. Did anybody else have this problem?

Relational data base, Cognos Analytics 11.

Thank you!
Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: MFGF on 02 Mar 2016 04:21:02 AM
Quote from: Victoria on 24 Feb 2016 08:36:42 PM

I am trying to drill-through from a source report to a target report. I created a target report (list) with two parameters. After that I created a source report (crosstab) and created a new drill-through definition for Crosstab fact Cells. For Report I selected my target report. For method (in Parameters) I selected Pass data item value and then selected a value. I am able to run this report but when I click on the cell that is supposed to take me to another report I have an error "This feature is not available in this version". In the properties drill-through is enable. Did anybody else have this problem?

Relational data base, Cognos Analytics 11.

Thank you!


To get drill-through to work currently, you will need to turn off interactivity in the report viewer - for both source and target reports. To do this, select any item in your report, open the Properties pane, and use the Ancestor button to select the very top level - called Report. In the properties of the Report you will find one called "Run with full interactivity" - currently set to Yes:


Change this to No in both reports and your drill-through will work.


Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: rockytopmark on 27 Oct 2017 04:37:27 PM
Hopping in this thread as I am experiencing similar issue...


SQL Server 2014 (I think)

Source report is Dimensional (DMR), Target is Relational.  Both reports were converted from 10.2.2.

In source report's drill definition, I have the parameter for the clicked value on the report to pass the Data Item Value's Business Key, however the target report is getting the entire MUN.  Another attempt, I have added a data item to the layout that uses roleValue('_businessKey',[item]) but that too seems to get the whole MUN shipped over.  3rd attempt I used Member Caption as value to pass, still sending the MUN to the target.

Any ideas?  Figured I'd check here before logging a PMR.

Just checked in the old 10.2.2 environment, and this setup works fine there.   :(

TIA... Mark
Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: CognosPaul on 30 Oct 2017 08:40:27 AM
I've seen this before, in version 8. The solution should be a fix from IBM, but I think I was able to get around it. Try doing converting the key like: roleValue()*1 or member(roleValue(),'key','key',[cube].[measures])
Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: rockytopmark on 17 Nov 2017 01:27:02 PM
I wish I had a better resolution, but I resolved my issue by adding a 2nd drill-through definition.  Once I had 2 defined, the original drill definition now worked!  For kicks, I removed the new definition... the original drill stopped working again.  Finally, I removed the original, leaving only the new drill, and it worked as intended all by it's lonesome self.
Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: CognosPaul on 20 Nov 2017 11:54:38 AM
This hurts my brain and I'm going to resent you for this for the rest of the day.
Title: Re: Drill-through
Post by: dsmuker on 29 Sep 2019 11:21:48 PM
I tried the same work around but it worked partially,
I have 2 charts in my report. When I change the full interactive mode value to be No, it works well with one bar chart but does not work with the other one. It changes the mouse pointer when i hover on the other bar graph but does not open the drill through report.
Whereas, if i change the value back to yes, i can drill through using the new process on both the charts. 

Am i doing something wrong?
